Sunday, December 8, 2013

My Path, My Journey, My Life

By Joseph 

      God intended me to have the life i have lived. All my past experiences are just a part of God's plan for me. Did I like every single part of his plan? No, most of the time I didn't, but my experiences have brought be closer in my relationship to God and it has brought me closer to my family. I was first put onto my path when my brothers sold me into slavery. I admit I wasn't the most admired brother because I was admired greatly by my father and I had a stuck up attitude, but I changed. Once sold into slavery I worked for a steward of the Pharaoh's. Miraculously, he saw God in me and he showed me respect and made me his personal attendant. I was happy for what had just happened to me a few days before. Then it all changed, my master's wife tried to seduce me to lie with her, I know this is not part of God's plan for me to fall into temptation, so I denied. His wife grew angry with me and was accused of rape, then thrown into the Pharaoh's jail. A couple days of sitting in a cell alone two of the Pharaoh's personal workers, his baker and his cupbearer, were brought down to the jail. They started talking to me and telling me about their dreams they have had and I then interpreted it for them. They were shocked, surprised and nervous about the news. I had heard on the Pharaoh's birthday the cupbearer was reinstated and the baker was impaled, just as I had interpreted from their dreams. The pharaoh himself also had a dream, and hearing of my scene with his workers he asked me to interpret his dream for him and I did. He had experienced the dream twice, different objects used in the dream but they both meant the same thing. Egypt itself would have seven years of greatness but after a famine would hit for seven years and all would lost. This interpretation I made came from God and because I have such a strong relationship and faith with God, I listened. The pharaoh saw I was the only one that could keep his people alive during the harsh times, and he put in charge of his land and his people. I began preparing, and the preparation will soon pay off.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Joseph - The Slave Who Read My Dream

By The Pharaoh of Egypt

      By steward, under my ruling, bought a slave from a group of brothers about a week ago. I heard from others that he was thrown into jail, accused of trying to rape his master's wife. A couple days after he was thrown into jail I myself threw two of my servants into jail, my cupbearer and my baker. Apparently, in jail Joseph interpreted their dreams from what they told him. Now on my birthday I gave the cupbearer his job back and he began working for me one again, but for the baker, I fired him. Both of the servants seemed mesmerized when this had happened. Later after I had a strange, bizarre dream myself, I talked to my cupbearer. He had told me that the slave in jail, Joseph, had interpreted their dreams, and they became true on my birthday. I was dumbfounded and curious, I needed to speak to this man myself. The next day I called him up to come try interpret by dream, if anyone could explain this dream it would be him. He had told me that God was sending me a message, that in the next seven years Egypt will grow great and become bountiful but after that Egypt will be hit with seven years of famine. He then went on, telling me, someone will have to be responsible and trustworthy enough to save supplies for all of Egypt for the future famine. Knowing he was the one sent by God to do this, I gave him power. He will be the one to take care of my people when this supposed famine will hit my land and I know, he will succeed.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I Will Guide the Way

By God 

      I have big plans for Joseph, a plan that will lead him on a path that will change his views and understandings on his life and his family. To do this he must face challenges and temptations. No matter what he goes through, I will always be with him to protect and guide him. Joseph will think I am not there for him, but he just has to look harder for me. When Joseph started off his unknown journey, he was scared and left alone. Then when he started working for the pharaoh's steward, I blessed all the stewards belongings and the steward noticed my presence in Joseph.  Joseph was blessed with respect and responsibility. Joseph grew in his faith and he was growing as a person but when he was thrown into jail, he lost faith. After a long time of struggling with his faith he realized his understanding and interprets of dreams, were coming from me. He grew once again. I picked him up onto his feet and he was off on the right path again, and he knew it. On his path, reading and interpreting the Pharaoh's dreams is another challenge from me. Joseph saw this challenge, he saw my sign to him through the pharaoh's dream, and he prepared for what is in the future.