Saturday, December 7, 2013

Joseph - The Slave Who Read My Dream

By The Pharaoh of Egypt

      By steward, under my ruling, bought a slave from a group of brothers about a week ago. I heard from others that he was thrown into jail, accused of trying to rape his master's wife. A couple days after he was thrown into jail I myself threw two of my servants into jail, my cupbearer and my baker. Apparently, in jail Joseph interpreted their dreams from what they told him. Now on my birthday I gave the cupbearer his job back and he began working for me one again, but for the baker, I fired him. Both of the servants seemed mesmerized when this had happened. Later after I had a strange, bizarre dream myself, I talked to my cupbearer. He had told me that the slave in jail, Joseph, had interpreted their dreams, and they became true on my birthday. I was dumbfounded and curious, I needed to speak to this man myself. The next day I called him up to come try interpret by dream, if anyone could explain this dream it would be him. He had told me that God was sending me a message, that in the next seven years Egypt will grow great and become bountiful but after that Egypt will be hit with seven years of famine. He then went on, telling me, someone will have to be responsible and trustworthy enough to save supplies for all of Egypt for the future famine. Knowing he was the one sent by God to do this, I gave him power. He will be the one to take care of my people when this supposed famine will hit my land and I know, he will succeed.

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